Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Xiu, J., Dong, L., Liu, Y., Li, J.
Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, [[Текст]], J. Xiu [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2019 .-
Т. 86, № 1. - С. 51-57 .-
Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Xiu, J., Dong, L., Liu, Y., Li, J.
Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, [[Текст]], J. Xiu [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2018 .-
Т. 86, № 1. - С. 51-57 .-
Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Xiu, J., Dong, L., Liu, Y., Li, J.
Quantitative analysis of trace metals in engine oil using indirect ablation-laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, [[Текст]], J. Xiu [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2019 .-
Т. 86, № 1. - С. 51-57 .-
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of imidazolium zwitterionic salts: comparison to acetate analogs and the impact of the alkyl chain length on the charge distribution
Men, Sh., Jiang, J., Liu, Y.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of imidazolium zwitterionic salts: comparison to acetate analogs and the impact of the alkyl chain length on the charge distribution, [[Текст]], Sh. Men, J. Jiang, Y. Liu
Аннотация англоязычной статьи .-
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2017 .-
Т. 84, № 5. - С. 836 .-
Improvements of the vis-nirs model in the prediction of soil organic matter content using spectral pretreatments, sample selection, and wavelength optimization
Lin, Z. D., Wang, Y. B., Wang, R. J., Wang, L. S., Lu, C. P., Zhang, Z. Y., Song, L. T., Liu, Y.
Improvements of the vis-nirs model in the prediction of soil organic matter content using spectral pretreatments, sample selection, and wavelength optimization, [[Текст]], Z. D. Lin [et al.]
Полный текст статьи публикуется в английской версии журнала .-
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2017 .-
Т. 84, № 3. - С. 509 .-
Fabrication of Tin-Ag@Ag Composite Substrate with SERS Performance and Application in Ibuprofen Detection
Zheng, Z., Zhang, F., Liu, Y., Pei, Y., Wu Z., Li B., Wei Y., Chen Y., Wei H., Li J.
Fabrication of Tin-Ag@Ag Composite Substrate with SERS Performance and Application in Ibuprofen Detection, Z. Zheng, F. Zhang, Y. Liu [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2024 .-
Т. 91, № 4. - С. 610 .-
New Type of Composite Catalyst альфа-nBACoPc/SnO[2] Synergistic Photo-Catalytic Degradation of Dyes
Yin, Y., Jiang, B., Xu, G., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Feng, Y., Sun, X.
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2024 .-
Т. 91, № 4. - С. 615 .-
Diagnosis of citrus greening using raman spectroscopy-based pattern recognition
Liu, Y., Xiao, H., Hao, Y., Ye, L., Jiang, X., Wang, H., Sun, X.
Diagnosis of citrus greening using raman spectroscopy-based pattern recognition, Y. Liu, H. Xiao, Y. Hao [et al.]
Аннотации англоязычных статей .-
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2020 .-
Т. 87, № 1. - С. 170 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Zhang, L., Lin, Q., Liu, Y., Yao, Q., Sun, M., Abdelsayed, V., Lu, G., Wang, J., Zhao, J.
Краткие сообщения, реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Tao H., Zhang L., Lin Q. et al. Competitive Adsorption and Selective Diffusion of CH[4] and the Intruding Gases in Coal Vitrinite // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 6971-6982 ; Gray M. R. Fundamentals of Partial Upgrading of Bitumen // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 6843-6856 ; Liu Y., Yao Q., Sun M. et al. Process Characteristics and Mechanisms for Catalyzed Pyrolysis of Low-Temperature Coal Tar // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7052-7061 ; Hawthorne S. B., Miller D. J., Grabanski C. B. et al. Hydrocarbon Recovery from Williston Basin Shale and Mudrock Cores with Supercritical CO[2]: Part 1. Method Validation and Recoveries from Cores Collected across the Basin // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 6857-6866 ; Hawthorne S. B., Grabanski C. B., Miller D. J. et al. Hydrocarbon Recovery from Williston Basin Shale and Mudrock Cores with Supercritical CO[2]: 2. Mechanisms That Control Oil Recovery Rates and CO[2] Permeation // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 6867-6877 ; Abdelsayed V., Ellison C. R., Trubetskaya A. et al. Effect of Microwave and Thermal Co-pyrolysis of Low-Rank Coal and Pine Wood on Product Distributions and Char Structure // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7069-7082 ; Lu G., Wei C., Wang J. et al. Variation of Surface Free Energy in the Process of Methane Adsorption in the Nanopores of Tectonically Deformed Coals: A Case Study of Middle-Rank Tectonically Deformed Coals in the Huaibei Coalfield // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7155-7165 ; Shen J., Qin Y., Zhao J. Maceral Contribution to Pore Size Distribution in Anthracite in the Southern Qinshui Basin // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7234-7243 ; Feng T., Zhou P., Zhao X. et al. Sulfur Evolution Reaction during Reduction of SO[2] with CO over Carbon Materials // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7491-7499 ; Ling K., Gangoli V. S., Baron A. R. Synergic Adsorption of H[2]S Using High Surface Area Iron Oxide-Carbon Composites at Room Temperature // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 8. P. 7509-7521 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2020 .-
№ 10. - С. 49-54 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Liu, Y., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Zhou, S., Chen, M., Chen, H., Zhou, Y., Wang, N.
Краткие сообщения, реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Williams O., Ure A., Stevens L. et al. Formation of Metallurgical Coke within Minutes through Coal Densification and Microwave Energy // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 7. P. 6817-6828 ; Linghu R., Liu Y., Zhang Y. et al. Characterization of Delayed Coke and Fluid Coke Gasification Using Blast Furnace Slag as a Disposable Catalyst // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 7. P. 6734-6741 ; Zhang L., Zhou S., Chen M. et al. Hierarchically-organized C[60] crystals obtained from a liquid / liquid interfacial precipitation method by using 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydronaphthalene as a solvent // New Carbon Materials. 2019. Vol. 34, № 3. P. 238-246 ; Farashahi M., Bagherpou R., Kalhori H., Ghasemi E. Application of bacteria for coal dust stabilization // Environmental Earth Sci. 2019. Vol. 78, № 5. Article 178 ; Xiao-Qi Li X. -O., Hou P. -X., Liu C., Cheng H. -M. Preparation of metallic single-wal lcarbon nanotubes // Carbon. 2019. Vol. 147, June. P. 187-198 ; Dong X., Xu H., Chen H. et al. Commercial expanded graphite as high-performance cathode for low-cost aluminum-ion battery // Carbon. 2019. Vol. 148, July. P. 134-140 ; Ma H., Babaei H., Tian Z. The importance of van der Waals interactions to thermal transport in Graphene-C[60] heterostructures // Carbon. 2019. Vol. 148, July. P. 196-203 ; Goak J. C., Lim C. J., Hyun Y. et al. Efficient gas-phase purification using chloroform for metal-free multi-walled carbon nanotubes // Carbon. 2019. Vol. 148, July. P. 258-266 ; Zhou Y., Wang N., Muhammad J. et al. Graphene nanoflakes with optimized nitrogen doping fabricated by arc discharge as highly efficient absorbers toward microwave absorption // Carbon. 2019. Vol. 148, July. P. 204-213 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2020 .-
№ 9. - С. 52-55 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao, G., Liu, D., Cai, Y., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, P.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Feng L., Zhao G., Zhao Y. et al. Construction of the molecular structure model of the Shengli lignite using TG-GC/MS and FTIR spectrometry data // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 924-931 ; Messerle V. E., Ustimenko A. B., Lavrichshev O. A. Plasma coal conversion including mineral mass utilization // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 877-883 ; Kayukova G. P., Mikhailova A. M., Feoktistov D. A. et al. Conversion of the Organic Matter of Domanic Shale and Permian Bituminous Rocks in Hydrothermal Catalytic Processes // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 7789-7799 ; Yin T., Liu D., Cai Y. et al. Size Distribution and Fractal Characteristics of Coal Pores through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 7746-7757 ; Mochizuki Y., Tsubouchi N. Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide in Simulated Coke Oven Gas with Low-Grade Iron Ore // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 8087-8094 ; Xu J., Tang H., Su S. et al. Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Study of 32 Kinds of Chinese Coals: Second-Order Raman Spectrum and Its Correlations with Coal Properties // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 7884-7893 ; Gautam S. Effect of washing and stamping on coke making of a low-grade Indian coal: correlation between various properties // Ironmaking and Steelmaking. - 2017. - Vol. 44, № 7. - P. 505-512 ; Zhang M., Hu T., Ren G. et al. Research on the Effect of Surfactants on the Biodesulfurization of Coal // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 8116-8119 ; Guo F., Liu Y., Wang Y. et al. Characterization and Kinetics for Co-Pyrolysis of Zhundong Lignite and Pine Sawdust in a Micro Fluidized Bed // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 8. - P. 8235-8244 ; Okosun T., Street S. J., Zhao J. et al. Influence of conveyance methods for pulverised coal injection in a blast furnace // Ironmaking and Steelmaking. - 2017. - Vol. 44, № 7. - P. 513-525 ; Nag D., Das B., Dash P. S. et al. Use of phenolic resin in coke making at Tata Steel // Ironmaking and Steelmaking. - 2017. - Vol. 44, № 7. - P. 526-531 ; Wang P., Yu S., Long H. et al. Microscopic study on the interior and exterior reactions of coke with CO[2] and H[2]O // Ironmaking and Steelmaking. - 2017. - Vol. 44, № 8. - P. 595-600 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2018 .-
№ 9. - С. 48-52 .-
Non-destructive detection of melamine in milk powder by terahertz spectroscopy and correlation analysis algorithm
Sun, X., Zhu, K., Hu, J., Jiang, X., Liu, Y.
Non-destructive detection of melamine in milk powder by terahertz spectroscopy and correlation analysis algorithm, [[Текст]], X. Sun [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2019 .-
Т. 86, № 4. - С. 608-613 .-
Prediction results of different modelling methods in soil nutrient concentrations based on spectral technology
Li, X. Y., Fan, P. P., Liu, Y., Hou, G. L., Wang, Q., Lv, M. R.
Prediction results of different modelling methods in soil nutrient concentrations based on spectral technology, [[Текст]], X. Y. Li [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2019 .-
Т. 86, № 4. - С. 673 .-
Краткие сообщения
Zhu, L., Гагарин, С. Г., Jan, L., Zhou, Y., Jin, L., Wei, B., Liu, Y., Zeng, F., Wang, Y., Jiang, H.
Краткие сообщения, реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Musin L. I., Foss L. E., Shabalin K. V. et al. Simple methods for isolating various subfractions from coal and oil asphaltenes // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6513-6543 ; Josepf N., Shafi P. M., Bose A. Ch. Recent advanced in 2D-MoS[2] and its composite nanostructures for supercapacitor electrode application // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6558-6597 ; Roslina A., Pokrajak D., Zhou Y. Pore analysis of a carbon matrix using nanoscale scanning electron microscopy and direct modeling of the capillary pressure curve // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6761-6767 ; Knudsen K. D., Simon S., Geue T. et al. Interaction of asphaltenes with a model demulsifier in the bulk and at the phase boundary: studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron reflectometry // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6768-6779 ; Alborz E., Parks K. M., Gtdsby F. et al. The effect of reactive sulfur removal by activated carbon on the thermal stability of aviation fuel // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6780-6790 ; Van D., Jin L., Wei B. et al. Oxidative catalytic cracking and reforming of volatile substances of pyrolysis of coal over NiO // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6928-6937 ; Maurja M., Sappidi P. K., Singh J. K. Selective CO[2] emission from flue gases using carbon and boron nitride nanotubes as a membrane // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 7223-7231 ; Jan L., Jao L., Liu Y. et al. Bimetallic and polymetallic oxide modification of activated coke by single-stage mixing for highly efficient SO[2] removal // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 7275-7283 ; Zeng F., Chzhan U., Go C. et al. Prediction of apparent shale fluid permeability based on fractal theory // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6822-6833 ; Fu S., Zhu l., He B., Chzhu L. The effect of the ratio of monomers on the effectiveness of poly (octadecyl acrylate-co-styrene) as freezing point depressants // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6791-6798 ; Cai X., Wei X., Du C. Thermal plasma treatment and co-processing of sludge for energy and material recovery // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 7. P. 7775-7805 ; Wang Y., Jiang H., Ke U. et al. Investigation of pore structures in shallow shales of Longmaxi, South China using large-scale electron imaging and neutron scattering techniques // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 7. P. 7974-7984 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2021 .-
№ 7. - С. 54-58 .-
Analysis of glasses coated with Zn-Cr-Sn-O thin films by picosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and transmission spectroscopy
Gao, Q., Liu, Sh., Xiu, J., Li, Zh., Liu, Y., Liu, H.
Analysis of glasses coated with Zn-Cr-Sn-O thin films by picosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and transmission spectroscopy, Q. Gao, Sh. Liu, J. Xiu [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2021 .-
Т. 88, № 5. - С. 817 .-
Rapid identification and classification of metal waste by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Zhou, Z., Gao, W., Jamali, S., Yu, C., Liu, Y.
Rapid identification and classification of metal waste by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Z. Zhou, W. Gao, S. Jamali [et al.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2024 .-
Т. 91, № 2. - С. 310 .-
Древесные и травянистые растения Внутренней Азии: видовое богатство и эколого-географические особенности
Санданов, Д. В., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Королюк, А. Ю.
Древесные и травянистые растения Внутренней Азии: видовое богатство и эколого-географические особенности, [Электронный ресурс]
ил., табл., карт.
Сибирский экологический журнал, 2020, Т. 27, № 4. - С. 450-462