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Авторы: Zhu, L. Гагарин, С. Г. Jan, L. Zhou, Y. Jin, L. Wei, B. Liu, Y. Zeng, F. Wang, Y. Jiang, H.
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реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Примечание Реф. ст.: Musin L. I., Foss L. E., Shabalin K. V. et al. Simple methods for isolating various subfractions from coal and oil asphaltenes // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6513-6543 ; Josepf N., Shafi P. M., Bose A. Ch. Recent advanced in 2D-MoS[2] and its composite nanostructures for supercapacitor electrode application // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6558-6597 ; Roslina A., Pokrajak D., Zhou Y. Pore analysis of a carbon matrix using nanoscale scanning electron microscopy and direct modeling of the capillary pressure curve // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6761-6767 ; Knudsen K. D., Simon S., Geue T. et al. Interaction of asphaltenes with a model demulsifier in the bulk and at the phase boundary: studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron reflectometry // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6768-6779 ; Alborz E., Parks K. M., Gtdsby F. et al. The effect of reactive sulfur removal by activated carbon on the thermal stability of aviation fuel // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6780-6790 ; Van D., Jin L., Wei B. et al. Oxidative catalytic cracking and reforming of volatile substances of pyrolysis of coal over NiO // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6928-6937 ; Maurja M., Sappidi P. K., Singh J. K. Selective CO[2] emission from flue gases using carbon and boron nitride nanotubes as a membrane // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 7223-7231 ; Jan L., Jao L., Liu Y. et al. Bimetallic and polymetallic oxide modification of activated coke by single-stage mixing for highly efficient SO[2] removal // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 7275-7283 ; Zeng F., Chzhan U., Go C. et al. Prediction of apparent shale fluid permeability based on fractal theory // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6822-6833 ; Fu S., Zhu l., He B., Chzhu L. The effect of the ratio of monomers on the effectiveness of poly (octadecyl acrylate-co-styrene) as freezing point depressants // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 6. P. 6791-6798 ; Cai X., Wei X., Du C. Thermal plasma treatment and co-processing of sludge for energy and material recovery // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 7. P. 7775-7805 ; Wang Y., Jiang H., Ke U. et al. Investigation of pore structures in shallow shales of Longmaxi, South China using large-scale electron imaging and neutron scattering techniques // Energy and Fuels. 2020. Vol. 34, № 7. P. 7974-7984
Аннотация Подборка кратких рефератов научных статей по переработке угля и коксохимии, опубликованных в журнале "Energy and Fuels" в 2020 году.
Название источника Кокс и химия
Место и дата издания 2021
Прочая информация № 7. - С. 54-58