
Solvatochromism of free-base corroles

Авторы: Kruk, M. M. Крук, Николай Николаевич
Местонахождение Краткая информация
Маркер записи n
Контрольный номер RU/IS/BASE/716390889
Дата корректировки 8:19:11 8 февраля 2023 г.
DOI 10.1007/s10812-022-01402-9
Код языка каталог. eng
Правила каталог. PSBO
Служба первич. каталог. БГТУ
Код языка издания eng
Индекс УДК 535.37+539.19
Kruk, M. M.
Solvatochromism of free-base corroles
Аннотация Solvatochromic shifts of absorption bands are determined in a series of solvents of di? erent nature for two free-base corroles with di? erent peripheral substitution architectures. The nature of the solvatochromic e? ects is analyzed by the Valentine method. The solvatochromism of the free-base corroles is found to originate from universal nonspeci? c interactions with the short-wavelength T2 tautomer experiencing stronger solvation. It is shown that speci? c acid-base interactions in polar aprotic solvents (Me2CO, MeCN, DMF, and DMSO) occur simultaneously, leading to the formation of the deprotonated form. Deprotonated and protonated forms of corroles also show nonspeci? c solvation leading to solvatochromic shifts, the magnitude of which exceeds that for the free bases. It is proposed that this feature is due to an excess of electronic charge (negative or positive) on the macrocycle.
Служебное примечание Крук, Николай Николаевич
free-base corroles
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
Vol. 89, No. 4. - P. 624-630
URL https://rdcu.be/cVsuq
Тип документа b