
Optical and structural characteristics of Cu(In, Ga)Se[2] thin films and radiation tolerance of nanostructural solar cells created on their basis

Авторы: Refahati, Nima Hashem Рефахати, Нима Хашем
Подробная информация
Индекс УДК 621.315.592:538.985:538.975(043.3)
Optical and structural characteristics of Cu(In, Ga)Se[2] thin films and radiation tolerance of nanostructural solar cells created on their basis
abstract of the thesis ... of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : 01.04.10
Scientific - Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Science of Belarus
Место издания Minsk
Издательство BSTU
Дата издания 2014
Объем 22 p.
Примечание На англ. языке
Ключевые слова solid solutions