Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Ren, Y., Yang, Y., Liao, J., Li, S., Luo, M., Xing, X., Zhang, Y.
Краткие сообщения, реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Chang H., Zhang Z., Qiang L. et al. Study on the Pyrolysis Characteristics of a Typical Low Rank Coal with Hydrothermal Pretreatment // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3871-3880 ; Eghbali S., Dehghanpour H. An Experimental and Modeling Study on Interactions of Cold Lake Bitumen with CO[2], C[3], and C[4] at High Temperatures // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3957-3969 ; Chai Z., Zeng M., Ren Y. et al. Prediction Method on the Static Stability of a Coal Water Mixture // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3998-4008 ; Yang Y., Liao J., Mo Q. et al. Evolution of Physical and Chemical Structures in Lignite during Dewatering Process and Their Effects on Combustion Reactivity // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3891-3898 ; Fan C., Li S., Luo M. et al. Effects of N- and S-Functionalities on Binary Gas Co-adsorption on a Coal Macromolecule // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3934-3946 ; Miao Z., Gao V., Wan K. et al. Modification of Zhaotong Lignite by Steam Explosion Treatment: Pore Structure and Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 4033-4040 ; Xing X. Petrographic Analysis of Cokes Reacted under Simulated Blast Furnace Conditions // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 4146-4157 ; Arbuzov S. I., Finkelman R. B., Il’enok S. S., Maslov S. G. Modes of Occurrence of Rare-Earth Elements (La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu) in Coals of Northern Asia (Review) // Solid Fuel Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 53, № 1. P. 1-21 ; Zhang Y., Zhang X., Zhong Q. et al. Structural Differences of Spontaneous Combustion Prone Inertinite-Rich Chinese Lignite Coals: Insights from XRD, Solid-State {13}C NMR, LDIMS, and HRTEM // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 4575-4584 ; Sagitov A. I., Zhirnov B. S., Shvedov A. O., Kugatov P. V. Preparation of Granulated Activated Carbon from Oil Pitch and Soot by a Mixed Activation Method // Solid Fuel Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 53, № 1. P. 60-63 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2020 .-
№ 4. - С. 62-66 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Li, Z., Chen, S., Zhang, Q., Li, J., Yang, Y., Li, S., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Zhao, Y.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Cheng Y., Zhang Q., Fang C. et al. Co-carbonization behaviors of petroleum pitch/waste SBS: Influence on morphology and structure of resultant cokes // J. Analyt. Appl. Pyrol. - 2018. - Vol. 129, January. - P. 154-161 ; Li J., Li Z., Yang Y. et al. Laboratory study on the inhibitory effect of free radical scavenger on coal spontaneous combustion // Fuel Process. Technol. – 2018. - Vol. 171, March. - P. 350-360 ; He L., Hui Y., Li S., Lin W. Production of light aromatic hydrocarbons by catalytic cracking of coal pyrolysis vapors over natural iron ores // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 227-232 ; Tang L., Chen S., Wang S. et al. Exploration on the action mechanism of microwave with peroxyacetic acid in the process of coal desulfurization // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 214, 15 February. - P. 554-560 ; Du J., Deng W., Chuan Li C. et al. Multi-metal catalysts for slurry-phase hydrocracking of coal-tar vacuum residue: Impact of inherent inorganic minerals // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 215, 1 March. - P. 370-377 ; Wei Q., Dai S., Lefticariu L., Costin G. Electron probe microanalysis of major and trace elements in coals and their low-temperature ashes from the Wulantuga and Lincang Ge ore deposits, China // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 215, 1 March. - P. 1-12 ; Peng L., Wang Z., Ma W. et al. Dynamic influence of screening coals on a vibrating screen // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 484-493 ; Xie X., Zhao Y., Qiu P. et al. Investigation of the relationship between infrared structure and pyrolysis reactivity of coals with different ranks // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 521-530 ; Sakurovs R., Koval L., Grigore M. et al. Nanostructure of cokes // Intern. J. of Coal Geol. - 2018. - Vol. 188, 1 March. - P. 112-120 ; Cardott B. J., Curtis M. E. Identification and nanoporosity of macerals in coal by scanning electron microscopy // Intern. J. of Coal Geol. - 2018. - Vol. 190, 1 April. - P. 205-217 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2019 .-
№ 6. - С. 50-54 .-
Рефракция на неоднородности газа при лазерном нагреве металла
Trofimov, V., Розанов, Н. Н., Yang, Y., Федоров, С. В., Yu, J., Веретенов, Н. А.
Рефракция на неоднородности газа при лазерном нагреве металла, V. Trofimov, Н. Н. Розанов, Y. Yang [и др.]
1 файл (75 Кб) .-
Загл. с титул. экрана .-
// Оптика и спектроскопия .-
2022 .-
Т. 130, № 4. - С. 595-596 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Yang, Y., He, Y., Xie, W., Chen, X., Xu, C., Zhang, W., Zhou, Y., Guo, W., Zhang, X.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Saha P., Sarkar S. Microbial Degradation of Coal into a Value Added Product // Intern. J. of Coal Prep. and Utiliz. - 2019. - Vol. 39, № 1. - P. 1-19 ; Yang Y., Ge L., He Y. et al. Mechanism and Fine Coal Benefciation of a Pulsating Airflow Classifier // Intern. J. of Coal Prep. and Utiliz. - 2019. - Vol. 39, № 2. - P. 20-32 ; Xie W., Stanger R., Tran Q. A. et al. Impact of Coal Pyrolysis Products as a Rheological Additive on Termoplasticity of a Coking Coal // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 4382-4390 ; Stanger R., Tran Q. A., Browne M. et al. Evaluating the Thermal Extrusion Behavior of a Coking Coal for Direct Carbon Fiber Production // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 4528-4537 ; Chen X., Xu C., Zhang W. et al. Separation and Molecular Characterization of Ketones in a Low-Temperature Coal Tar // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 4662-4670 ; Hou P., Zhou Y., Guo W. et al. Rational Design of Hydrogen-Donor Solvents for Direct Coal Liquefaction // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 4715-4723 ; Huang S., Zhou Y., Wu S. et al. Effect of Carbonization Temperature on the Product Distributions and Characteristics for Integrated Mild Liquefaction and Carbonization of Low-Rank Coals // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 4754-4762 ; Zarczynski P., Strugala A. Studies on the Possibility of Extending Coal Resources for Coke Production through the Application of Coal Predrying // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 5. - P. 5666-5676 ; Lin B., Zhang X., Yan F. et al. Improving the Conductivity and Porosity of Coal with NaCl Solution for High-Voltage Electrical Fragmentation // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 4. - P. 5010-5019 ; Burmistrz P., Kogut K., Marczak M. et al. Mercury in Polish Coking Bituminous Coals // Energy and Fuels. - 2018. - Vol. 32, № 5. - P. 5677-5683 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2019 .-
№ 9. - С. 54-58 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Liu, Z., Liu, M., Wei, J., Xu, Y., Liu, L., Li, G., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., Li, S.
Краткие сообщения, реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Wei J., Guo Q., Ding L. et al. Understanding the Effect of Different Biomass Ash Additions on Pyrolysis Product Distribution, Char Physicochemical Characteristics, and Char Gasification Reactivity of Bituminous Coal // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3068-3076 ; Guo X., Liu Z., Xiao Y. et al. Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3144-3154 ; Liu M., Zhou Z., Shen Z. et al. Comparison of HTSM and TGA Experiments of Gasification Characteristics of Different Coal Chars and Petcoke // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3057-3067 ; Chandler D. S., Resende F. L. P. Comparison between Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis and Catalytic Fast Hydropyrolysis for the Production of Liquid Fuels in a Fluidized Bed Reactor // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3199-3209 ; Zhu Y., Zhao C., Xu Y. et al. Preparation and Characterization of Coal Pitch-Based Needle Coke (Part I) : The Effects of Aromatic Index (f[a]) in Refined Coal Pitch // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3456-3464 ; Liu L., Du M., Li G. et al. Study on the Small Molecular Composition of Cutinite from Luquan Cutinitic Liptobiolith by Ultrasonic-Assisted Sequential Extraction // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 3465-3472 ; Chang H., Zhang Z., Qiang L. et al. Study on the Pyrolysis Characteristics of a Typical Low Rank Coal with Hydrothermal Pretreatment // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3871-3880 ; Yang Y., Liao J., Mo Q. et al. Evolution of Physical and Chemical Structures in Lignite during Dewatering Process and Their Effects on Combustion Reactivity // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3891-3898 ; Fan C., Li S., Luo M. et al. Effects of N and S Functionalities on Binary Gas Co-adsorption on a Coal Macromolecule // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3934-3946 ; Chai Z., Zeng M., Ren Y. et al. Prediction Method on the Static Stability of a Coal Water Mixture // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 3998-4008 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2020 .-
№ 2. - С. 55-59 .-