Каталитический крекинг н-декана на катализаторах Pt/ZrO[[d]]2[[/d]]-TiO[[d]]2[[/d]]-Al[[d]]2[[/d]]O[[d]]3[[/d]], модифицированных NiO-MoO[[d]]3[[/d]]
Zhang, G., Li, X., Jiao, Yi., Wang, Zh., Zhu, Q., Wang, J.
Каталитический крекинг н-декана на катализаторах Pt/ZrO[[d]]2[[/d]]-TiO[[d]]2[[/d]]-Al[[d]]2[[/d]]O[[d]]3[[/d]], модифицированных NiO-MoO[[d]]3[[/d]], [[Текст]], G. Zhang [и др.]
// Нефтехимия .-
2017 .-
Т. 57, № 4. - С. 403-409 .-
High-order surface plasmonic resonance and near field enhancement in asymmetric nanoring/ellipsoid dimers
Wang, Zh., Ren, L.
High-order surface plasmonic resonance and near field enhancement in asymmetric nanoring/ellipsoid dimers, [[Текст]], Zh. Wang, L. Ren
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2018 .-
Т. 85, № 3. - С. 500-504 .-
Plasmonic properties and optical activity of a three-dimensional six-blade windmill nanostructure
Wang, Zh., Ren, L., Wang, H.
Plasmonic properties and optical activity of a three-dimensional six-blade windmill nanostructure, [[Текст]], Zh. Wang, L. Ren, H. Wang
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2019 .-
Т. 86, № 3. - С. 494 .-
Molecular spectroscopy evidence of effective constituents in the binding of Angelica sinensis to bovine serum albumin: comparative binding and thermodynamic profile
Wang, Zh., Deng, X., Hou, J., Fan, J.
Molecular spectroscopy evidence of effective constituents in the binding of Angelica sinensis to bovine serum albumin: comparative binding and thermodynamic profile, [[Текст]], Zh. Wang [и др.]
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2018 .-
Т. 85, № 6. - С. 939-945 .-