Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Liu, H., Jin, L., Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., He, Y., Li, H., Du, J., Li, J.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Flores B. D., Borrego A. G., Diez M. A. et al. How coke optical texture became a relevant tool for understanding coal blending and coke quality // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 164, September. - P. 13-23 ; Niu B., Jin L., Li Y. et al. Isotope analysis for understanding the hydrogen transfer mechanism in direct liquefaction of Bulianta coal // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - Р. 82-89 ; Shi Z., Jin L., Zhou Y. et al. Online analysis of initial volatile products of Shenhua coal and its macerals with pyrolysis vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 163, August. - P. 67-74 ; Wang J., He Y., Li H. et al. The molecular structure of Inner Mongolia lignite utilizing XRD, solid state 13C NMR, HRTEM and XPS techniques // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 764-773 ; Du J., Deng W., Li J. et al. Structural and compositional evolution of coal tar toluene insoluble during slurry-phase hydrocracking // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 352-359 ; Park J. -H., Lee Y. -J., Jin M. -H. et al. Enhancement of slurryability and heating value of coal water slurry (CWS) by torrefaction treatment of low rank coal (LRC) // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 607–617 ; Fehse F., Rosin K., Schroder H. -W. et al. Influence of briquetting and coking parameters on the lump coke production using non-caking coals // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - P. 915-923 ; Xu L., Liu H., Fang H. et al. Effects of various inorganic sodium salts present in Zhundong coal on the char characteristics // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 203, 1 September. - Р. 120-127 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2018 .-
№ 8. - С. 45-48 .-
Desertification glassland classification and three-dimensional convolution neural network model for identifying desert grassland landforms with unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral remote sensing images
Pi, W., Du, J., Liu, H., Zhu, X.
Desertification glassland classification and three-dimensional convolution neural network model for identifying desert grassland landforms with unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral remote sensing images, Pi W., Du J., Liu H., Zhu X.
// Журнал прикладной спектроскопии .-
2020 .-
Т. 87, № 2. - С. 296-305 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Li, Z., Chen, S., Zhang, Q., Li, J., Yang, Y., Li, S., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Zhao, Y.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Cheng Y., Zhang Q., Fang C. et al. Co-carbonization behaviors of petroleum pitch/waste SBS: Influence on morphology and structure of resultant cokes // J. Analyt. Appl. Pyrol. - 2018. - Vol. 129, January. - P. 154-161 ; Li J., Li Z., Yang Y. et al. Laboratory study on the inhibitory effect of free radical scavenger on coal spontaneous combustion // Fuel Process. Technol. – 2018. - Vol. 171, March. - P. 350-360 ; He L., Hui Y., Li S., Lin W. Production of light aromatic hydrocarbons by catalytic cracking of coal pyrolysis vapors over natural iron ores // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 227-232 ; Tang L., Chen S., Wang S. et al. Exploration on the action mechanism of microwave with peroxyacetic acid in the process of coal desulfurization // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 214, 15 February. - P. 554-560 ; Du J., Deng W., Chuan Li C. et al. Multi-metal catalysts for slurry-phase hydrocracking of coal-tar vacuum residue: Impact of inherent inorganic minerals // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 215, 1 March. - P. 370-377 ; Wei Q., Dai S., Lefticariu L., Costin G. Electron probe microanalysis of major and trace elements in coals and their low-temperature ashes from the Wulantuga and Lincang Ge ore deposits, China // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 215, 1 March. - P. 1-12 ; Peng L., Wang Z., Ma W. et al. Dynamic influence of screening coals on a vibrating screen // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 484-493 ; Xie X., Zhao Y., Qiu P. et al. Investigation of the relationship between infrared structure and pyrolysis reactivity of coals with different ranks // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 216, 15 March. - P. 521-530 ; Sakurovs R., Koval L., Grigore M. et al. Nanostructure of cokes // Intern. J. of Coal Geol. - 2018. - Vol. 188, 1 March. - P. 112-120 ; Cardott B. J., Curtis M. E. Identification and nanoporosity of macerals in coal by scanning electron microscopy // Intern. J. of Coal Geol. - 2018. - Vol. 190, 1 April. - P. 205-217 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2019 .-
№ 6. - С. 50-54 .-