Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Li, Q., Li, X., Zhang, R., Li, W., Wang, S., Zhang, G., Xu, Y., Zhang, Y., Nomura, S.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Li Q., Ju Y., Chen P. et al. Biomarker Study of Depositional Paleoenvironments and Organic Matter Inputs for Permian Coalbearing Strata in the Huaibei Coalfield, East China // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 4. - P. 3567-3577 ; Zheng M., Li X., Nie F., Guo L. Investigation of Overall Pyrolysis Stages for Liulin Bituminous Coal by Large-Scale ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 4. - P. 3575-3683 ; Gai Z., Zhang R., Bi J. Characteristics of Soot from Rapid Pyrolysis of Coal and Petroleum Coke // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 4. - P. 3759-3767 ; Cui W., Li W., Gao R. et al. Hydroprocessing of Low-Temperature Coal Tar for the Production of Clean Fuel over Fluorinated NiW/ Al[2]O[3]-SiO[2] Catalyst // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 4. - P. 3768-3783 ; Lin Q., Wang S., Liang Y. et al. Analytical prediction of coal spontaneous combustion tendency: Velocity range with high possibility of self-ignition // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 159, May. - P. 38-47 ; Behera S. K., Chakraborty S., Meikap В. C. Chemical demineralization of high ash Indian coal by using alkali and acid solutions // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 196, 15 May. - P. 102-109 ; Zhang G., Zhao P., Xu Y., Zhang Y. Characteristics of Pressure Drop of Charred Layer in Coke Dry Quenching over Coke Oven Gas // Energy and Fuels. - 2017. - Vol. 31, № 4. - P. 4548-4555 ; Nomura S. Recent developments in cokemaking technologies in Japan // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 159, May. - P. 1-8 ; Mochizuki Y., Naganuma R., Uebo K., Tsubouchi N. Some factors influencing the fluidity of coal blends: Particle size, blend ratio and inherent oxygen species // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 159, May. - P. 67-75 ; Hao P., Bai Z. -Q., Zhao Z. -T. et al. Study on the preheating stage of low rank coals liquefaction: Product distribution, chemical structural change of coal and hydrogen transfer // Fuel Process. Technol. - 2017. - Vol. 159, May. - P. 153-159 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2018 .-
№ 1. - С. 44-48 .-
Краткие сообщения
Гагарин, С. Г., Zhang, X., Hao, P., He, J., Tan, M., Wang, Y., Guo, S., Lomas, H., Roest, R., Gupta, S.
Краткие сообщения, [[Текст]], реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Реф. ст.: Yan J., Bai Z., Hao P. et al. Comparative study of low-temperature pyrolysis and solvent treatment on upgrading and hydro-liquefaction of brown coal // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 199, 1 July. - P. 598-605 ; He J., Hong P., Tan M. et al. Trace element concentration and reduction of typical Chinese bituminous coals via dry physical separation techniques // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 199, 1 July. - P. 662-669 ; Gao L., Wang Y., Huang Q., Guo S. Modes of occurrence and thermal stability of mercury in different samples from Guandi coal preparation plant // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 22-30 ; Lomas H., Roest R., Gupta S. et al. Petrographic analysis and characterisation of a blast furnace coke and its wear mechanisms // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 89-99 ; Wang Y. -N., Wei X. -Y., Li Z. -K. et al. Extraction and thermal dissolution of Piliqing subbituminous coal // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 282-289 ; Rash Т. A., Gillespie A., Holbrook B. P. et al. Microporous carbon monolith synthesis and production for methane storage // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 371-379 ; Zhang K., Zhang X., Jin Li`e et al. Synthesis and evaluation of a novel dispersant with jellyfish-like 3D structure for preparing coal - water slurry // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 458-466 ; Pearson D. E., Pearson R. A., Jiao Y. et al. Encapsulites, and the suppression of internal gas pressure in industrial metallurgical coke blends // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 545-554 ; Lin R., Howard B. H., Roth E. A. et al. Enrichment of rare earth elements from coal and coal by-products by physical separations // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 506-520 ; Niu Q., Pan J., Cao L. et al. The evolution and formation mechanisms of closed pores in coal // Fuel. - 2017. - Vol. 200, 15 July. - P. 555-563 .-
// Кокс и химия .-
2018 .-
№ 4. - С. 52-56 .-