
Report of the expert consultation on integrating environmental and sustainable development themes into agricultural education and extension programmes, Rome, Italy, 30 november to 3 december 1993

Авторы: Stocking, Michael
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Контрольный номер RU/IS/BASE/565960541
Дата корректировки 13:40:56 8 декабря 2017 г.
Цена, тираж 20000-00
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Код языка каталог. eng
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Код языка издания eng
Индекс УДК 502.172:582
Полочн. индекс 502
Авторский знак R 44
Stocking, Michael
Michael Stocking
Report of the expert consultation on integrating environmental and sustainable development themes into agricultural education and extension programmes, Rome, Italy, 30 november to 3 december 1993
Agricultural Education and Extension Service (ESHE), Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Division ; orig. M. Stocking
Место издания Rome
Издательство Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Дата издания оригинала 1994
Объем 195 p.
Примечание На английском языке
Аннотация This expert consultation on the integration of environmental and sustainable development themes into agricultural education and extension programmes. Today, virtually every country in the world has an agricultural aducation programme, and most countries have an agricultural extension system as well. The world's trained agricultural staff are the product of agricultural education institutions.Using examples of good practice and of the development of new paradigms of learning, participants made a large number of suggestions and recommendations.
интеграция экологического и сельскохозяйственного развития
сельскохозяйственная образовательная программа
устойчивое развитие сельского хозяйства
экологическое развитие
Agricultural Education and Extension Service (ESHE)
Human Resources
Institutions and Agrarian Reform Division
Тип документа m