Physicochemical characteristics of biomaterials based on cellulose fibres coating sodium-carboxymethylcellulose containing nanoparticles of silver
Yunusov, K. E., Sarymsakov, A. A., Mirxolisov, M. M., Rogachev, A. A., Agabekov, V. E., Ihnatovich, Zh. V.
Physicochemical characteristics of biomaterials based on cellulose fibres coating sodium-carboxymethylcellulose containing nanoparticles of silver , Text
Минск :
2023 .-
Нефтегазохимия - 2023, Минск : БГТУ, 2023, P. 87-89, RU/IS/BASE/752315680, 978-985-897-151-9