Момент истины
Bogomolov, Vladimir, Богомолов, Владимир
The Moment of Truth, a novel and two stories, [translated from the Russian by S. Geta], Text
Moscow :
Raduga Publishers ,
1989 .-
552 p. .-
Contents: Ivan; Zosia; The Moment of Truth (In August '44) .-На английском языке .-
Сердца моего боль
Bogomolov, Vladimir, Богомолов, Владимир
The Aching in My Heart, collected writings, [translated from the Russian by S. Mikhailov], Text
Moscow :
Progress Publishers ,
1982 .-
635 p. .-
[1] sh. portr.
Contents: Ivan; First Love; A Cemetery Near Bialy Stok; Grade "B"; People Everywhere; The Aching in My Heart; Zosia; The Moment of Truth (In August '44) .-На английском языке .-
Антология русского и советского рассказа
Bazhanova, Galina, Gorky, Maxim, Sholokhov, Mikhail, Ivanov, Vsevolod, Tolstoy, Alexei, Nagibin, Yuri, Bogomolov, Vladimir, Soloukhin, Vladimir, Bondarev, Yuri, Paustovsky, Konstantin
Anthology of Russian Short Stories, from classical to modern : [ in 2 v.], [compiled, with biographical notes by G. Bazhanova ; translated from the Russian by V. Kharlamov], Text, V. 2
Moscow :
Raduga Publishers ,
1985 .-
511 p. .-
На английском языке .-