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Авторы: Гагарин, С. Г. Yang, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, H. Liu, D. Cao, J. -P. Wang, G. Zhang, W. Zhao, Y. Liu, M.
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реф. С. Г. Гагарин
Примечание Реф. ст.: Patzek T. W., Saputra W., Kirati W. et al. Generalized Extreme Value Statistics, Physical Scaling, and Forecasts of Gas Production in the Barnett Shale // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12154-12169 ; Ban Y., Liu Q., Zhou H. et al. Graphite and Graphite Oxide: New Models to Analyze the Calcium Catalytic Effect on Steam Gasification of Lignite and Char // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12182-12190 ; Sun G., Zhang H., Liu D. et al. Impact of the Composition and Content of Dissolved-State Paraffins in Model Oil on the Aggregation State of Asphaltenes and the Stability of Water-in-Model Oil Emulsion // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12191-12201 ; Yang Z., Cao J. -P., Zhao X. -Y. et al. Enhanced Light Aromatic Yield from Lignite Pyrolysis by Remedying the Acid Sites of Different Hierarchical HZSM-5 // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12346-12352 ; Wang G., Yang D., Kang Z. et al. Numerical Investigation of the in Situ Oil Shale Pyrolysis Process by Superheated Steam Considering the Anisotropy of the Thermal, Hydraulic, and Mechanical Characteristics of Oil Shale // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12236-12250 ; Zhang W., Zhao Y., Sun S. et al. Effects of Pressure on the Characteristics of Bituminous Coal Pyrolysis Char Formed in a Pressurized Drop Tube Furnace // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12219-12226 ; Stummann M. Z., Hoj M., Hansen A. B. et al. Deactivation of a CoMo Catalyst during Catalytic Hydropyrolysis of Biomass. Part 1. Product Distribution and Composition // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12374-12386 ; Stummann M. Z., Hoj M., Davidsen B. et al. Deactivation of a CoMo Catalyst during Catalytic Hydropyrolysis of Biomass. Part 2. Characterization of the Spent Catalysts and Char // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12387-12402 ; Du X., Gu M., Hou Z. et al. Experimental Study on the Kinetics of Adsorption of CO[2] and CH[4] in Gas-Bearing Shale Reservoirs // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12587-12600 ; Song C., Liu M., Ye W. Nitrogen-Containing Porous Carbon for Highly Selective and Efficient CO[2] Capture // Energy and Fuels. 2019. Vol. 33, № 12. P. 12601-12609
Аннотация Подборка кратких рефератов научных статей, опубликованных в журнале "Energy and Fuels" по переработке угля и коксохимии в 2019 году.
Название источника Кокс и химия
Место и дата издания 2020
Прочая информация № 12. - С. 49-54