simple model to estimate and compare efficiency of fluidized bed reactor without and with circulation
Mizonov, V. E., Mitrofanov, A. V., Tannous, K., Camelo, A.
4 рис.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2019 .-
Т. 62, вып. 3. - С. 83-88 .-
Computational and experimental study of granulation in fluidized bed reactor
Mizonov, V. E., Mitrofanov, A. V., Tannous, K., Ovchinnikov, L. N.
Computational and experimental study of granulation in fluidized bed reactor, [[Текст]], В. E. Mizonov [и др.]
5 рис.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2019 .-
Т. 62, вып. 5. - С. 97-103 .-
innovate method of thermogravimetric data analysis
Mal’ko, M. V., Vasilevich, S. V., Mitrofanov, A. V., Mizonov, V. E.
4 рис., 1 табл.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2021 .-
Т. 64, вып. 3. - С. 24-32 .-
Theoretical study of granulation kinetics in a batch fluidized bed
Mitrofanov, A. V., Mizonov, V. E., Tannous, K., Ovchinnikov, L. N.
Theoretical study of granulation kinetics in a batch fluidized bed, [[Текст]], A. V. Mitrofanov [и др.]
5 рис.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2017 .-
Т. 60, вып. 5. - С. 81-87 .-
Theoretical study of heat conduction in multi-layer spherical body with phase transformation in layers
Mizonov, V. E., Mitrofanov, A. V., Basova, E. V., Shuina, E. A., Tannous, K.
Theoretical study of heat conduction in multi-layer spherical body with phase transformation in layers
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2020 .-
Т. 63, вып. 7. - С. 54-60 .-
Design and verification of the model of structure formation and heat transfer in a fluidized bed apparatus with a heat jacket
Mitrofanov, A. V., Vasilevich, S. V., Mal'ko, M. V., Ogurtzov, A. V., Shpeynova, N. S.
Design and verification of the model of structure formation and heat transfer in a fluidized bed apparatus with a heat jacket, A. V. Mitrofanov, S. V. Vasilevich, M. V. Mal'ko [et al.]
3 рис.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2023 .-
Т. 66, вып. 5. - С. 128-138 .-
Formal kinetic approaches to the description of thermal decomposition of materials - problems of parameter identification and results interpretation: a brief review
Mitrofanov, A. V., Mizonov, V. E., Mal'ko, M. V., Vasilevich, S. V., Zarubin, Z. V.
Formal kinetic approaches to the description of thermal decomposition of materials - problems of parameter identification and results interpretation: a brief review, A. V. Mitrofanov, V. E. Mizonov, M. V. Mal’ko [et al.]
7 рис., 2 табл.
// Известия вузов. Химия и химическая технология .-
2022 .-
Т. 65, вып. 7. - С. 6-16 .-